Вопрос по английскому языку:
Put 3 special questions to each sentence.
1. They were crossing the street at the wrong place.
2. I’m interested in what you are saying about yourself.
3. We are going to have a picnic lunch on Strawberry Island next weekend.
4. The phone was ringing as Anna unlocked the door.
5. The doctor will be examining the patient for a quarter an hour.
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- 11.04.2018 14:00
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 597
- thumb_up 33
Ответы и объяснения 1
2. 1)What am I interested in? 2)Who is interested in what you are saying about yourself? 3)How do I feel about what you are saying about yourself?
3. 1)Where are we going to have a picnic launch next weekend? 2)What are we going to do on Strawberry Island next weekend? 3)Who is going to have a picnic launch on Strawberry Island next weekend?
4. 1)What was ringing when Anna unlocked the door? 2)When was the phone ringing? 3)Who unlocked the door when the phone was ringing?
5. 1)What will the doctor do for a quarter an hour? 2)Who will the doctor be examining for a quarter an hour? 3)How long would it take a doctor to examine the patient?
- 12.04.2018 14:10
- thumb_up 39
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