Вопрос по английскому языку:
Complete the sentences,using the past perfect tence.
When I arrived at the airport.I saw that (plane/take off)
When Peter's mum asked him about his homework he said that (he/do)
When they got to Ann's place (all the guests/leave)
By the time I got home from school (my grandma/cook dinner)
When the teacher came into the classroom (pupils /learn the results of the test)
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- 25.02.2018 12:35
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 4854
- thumb_up 8
Ответы и объяснения 1
When I arrived at the airport.I saw that plane had taken off (plane/take off)
When Peter's mum asked him about his homework he said that he had done it (he/do)
When they got to Ann's place all the guests had left (all the guests/leave)
By the time I got home from school my grandma had cooked dinner (my grandma/cook dinner)
When the teacher came into the classroom pupils had learnt the results of the test (pupils /learn the results of the test)
- 26.02.2018 15:13
- thumb_up 17
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