Вопрос по английскому языку:
Передайте речення у пасивному стані. 1. They reduced the price by 5%. 2. The top manager has just signed the contract. 3. The management almost doubled the volume of business in this industry. 4. At yesterday’s talks the firm drew our attention to a new model. 5. They didn’t safely pack the cases, containing the spares. 6. The company will reduce the supplies next year. 7. They haven’t yet agreed on the terms of delivery . 8. They increased the purchases by a few thousand tons.
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- 25.02.2018 12:40
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 6179
- thumb_up 39
Ответы и объяснения 1
1. The price was reduced by 5%
2. The contract has just been signed
3. The volume of business in this industry was almost doubled.
4. Our attention was drawn to a new model.
5. The cases containing the spares weren't safely packed.
6. The suppliers will be reduced next year.
7. The terms o0f delivery haven't been agreed on yet.
8. The purchases were increased by a few thousand tons.
- 26.02.2018 07:20
- thumb_up 32
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