Вопрос по английскому языку:
Необходимо написать рецепт любого русского блюда, написать как готовить и что необходимо.
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- 05.05.2018 10:37
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 8340
- thumb_up 25
Ответы и объяснения 1
My favorite dish is borsch.Brisket of beef Tenderloin of beef Carrots Onion Peppers Beets Cabbage PotatoesTomato paste Sunflower oilBay leafSaltGround black pepper .1. Put the meat in a three-liter pot, cover with water, bring to a boil, and boil for an hour and a half. Carrot grate, onion cut into small cubes, fry until zolotisty. Put in a pan together with the chopped pepper.2. After ten minutes add the chopped potatoes.3. Beets grate, cook ten minutes, add the tomato paste, cover and simmer for another twenty minutes. In the soup to put in ten minutes after the potatoes. Cook for another ten minutes.4. In the end, add the shredded cabbage. Cook for another three minutes, add the Bay leaf, salt and pepper.5. Remove from heat, let stand at least 20 minutes. Or even better night. Eat with cream.
- 07.05.2018 00:25
- thumb_up 28
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