Вопрос по английскому языку:
1. I"m not capable ___ type of behaviour.
A. Of
B. In
C. At
2. Smoking is bad ___ you.
A. At
B. For
C. On
3. I'm so angry ___ this!
A. About
B. With
C. To
4. I'm so angry ___ you!
A. about
B. with
C. to
5. She was dressed __ pink.
A. With
B. In
C. On
6. This restaurant is famous ___ its mussels.
A. In
B. With
C. For
7. George is married ___ a German woman
A. To
B. With
C. By
8. Are you afraid ___ him?
A. Of
B. To
C. On
9. I'm so proud ___ you!
A. With
B. Of
C. To
10. We are not associated ___ that company.
A. Along
B. In
C. With
11. I'm scared ____ heights.
A. Of
B. To
C. From
12. I'm worried _____ the exam.
A. Of
B. For
C. About
13. He's jealous ____ her success.
A. With
B. By
C. Of
14. I'm envious ____ them.
A. Of
B. For
C. By
15. I was confused ____ what she said.
A. About
B. For
C. To
16. I'm sick ____ all this stress.
A. For
B. Of
C. To
17. I was shocked ____ their behaviour.
A. By
B. For
C. Of
18. I'm no good ____ word games.
A. At
B. In
C. Of
19. Fruit is good ____ you.
A. At
B. For
C. Of
20. I'm not very keen ____ maths.
A. At
B. Of
C. On
Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
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- 14.09.2018 07:10
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 11635
- thumb_up 30
Ответы и объяснения 1
1. I'm not capable ___ type of behaviour. A. Of this
2. Smoking is bad ___ you. B. For
3. I'm so angry ___ this! A. About
4. I'm so angry ___ you! B. with
5. She was dressed __ pink. B. In
6. This restaurant is famous ___ its mussels. C. For
7. George is married ___ a German woman A. To
8. Are you afraid ___ him? A. Of
9. I'm so proud ___ you! B. Of
10. We are not associated ___ that company. C. With
11. I'm scared ____ heights. A. Of
12. I'm worried _____ the exam. C. About
13. He's jealous ____ her success. C. Of
14. I'm envious ____ them. A. Of
15. I was confused ____ what she said. A. About
16. I'm sick ____ all this stress. B. Of
17. I was shocked ____ their behaviour. A. By
18. I'm no good ____ word games. A. At
19. Fruit is good ____ you. B. For
20. I'm not very keen ____ maths. C. On
- 15.09.2018 07:33
- thumb_up 41
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.