Вопрос по английскому языку:
раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы present continuous или present simple.
1. I (to write) a composition now. 2. I (not to drink) milk now. 3. I (to go) for a walk after dinner. 4. I (not to go) to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He (not to read) now. 6. He (to play) now. 7 He (to play) now? 8. My mother (to work) at a factory. 9. My aunt {not to work) at a shop. 10. You (to work) at an office? 11. My friend (to live) in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin (not to live) in Miami. 13. The children (not to sleep) now. 14. The children (to play) in the yard every day. 15. They (not to go) to the stadium on Monday. 16. She (to read) in the evening. 17. She (not to read) in the morning. 18. She (not to read) now. 19. Your father (to work) at this factory? 20. You (to play) chess now? 21. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer. 22. How is your brother? - - He is not well yet, but his health (to improve) day after day. 23. Listen! Who (to play) the piano in the next room? помогите пожалуйста
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- 14.09.2018 07:19
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 3344
- thumb_up 21
Ответы и объяснения 1
1. I (am writing) a composition now. 2. I (am not drinking) milk now. 3. I ( go) for a walk after dinner. 4. I (do not go) to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He (is not reading) now. 6. He (is playing) now. 7 Is he ( playing) now? 8. My mother (works) at a factory. 9. My aunt {does not work) at a shop. 10. Do you ( work) at an office? 11. My friend ( lives) in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin (does not live) in Miami. 13. The children (are not sleeping) now. 14. The children (play) in the yard every day. 15. They (do not go) to the stadium on Monday. 16. She (reads) in the evening. 17. She (does not read) in the morning. 18. She (is not reading) now. 19. Does your father (work) at this factory? 20. Are you ( playing) chess now? 21. Look at the sky: the clouds (are moving) slowly, the sun (is appearing) from behind the clouds, it (is getting) warmer. 22. How is your brother? - - He is not well yet, but his health (is improving) day after day. 23. Listen! Who (is playing) the piano in the next room?
- 15.09.2018 03:13
- thumb_up 39
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.