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The number of environmental problems has increased significantly in recent years. One of the most dangerous problems for our planet is global warming, which means that most climatic conditions around the world are changing and getting warmer. This is because we burn too much gasoline resources, such as oil and coal, and the Earth heats up.
Our planet is overpopulated, so we use our natural resources - they are not endless. Thus, scientists have begun to look for some alternative forms of energy, such as water, wind, sunlight and even tides. These resources are clean, natural and unlimited.
There are various types of environmental pollution: air pollution, water pollution, land pollution. Unfortunately, not all people realize or recognize that it is we who cause these problems.
We must be proud to live on our wonderful planet and understand that the consequences of pollution can be terrible and affect us and our children later. We have to start recycling things made of glass, paper, plastic and aluminum. We have to quit smoking and plant as many trees as possible, because they can give us more.
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- 09.02.2022 15:53
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
The number of environmental problems has increased significantly in recent years.
Ве намба оф энвайроментал проблемс хэз инкризд сайнификантли ин рисинт еарс.
One of the most dangerous problems for our planet is global warming, which means that most climatic conditions around the world are changing and getting warmer.
Уан оф ве маст дэнжерос проблемс фо ауа планет из глобал вормин хич минс вот маст клайматик кондишинс эраунд вэ ворд ааа чэнжинг энд геттин ваорме.
This is because we burn too much gasoline resources, such as oil and coal, and the Earth heats up.
Вис из бикоз ви берн ту мач газолин ресоурсиз сач эс оил энд коэл энд вэ Ирф хитс ап.
Our planet is overpopulated, so we use our natural resources - they are not endless.
Ауа планет из авэпопьюлэйтев соу ви юз ауа нэйтурал ресоурсиз - вэй ааа нот эндлис.
Thus, scientists have begun to look for some alternative forms of energy, such as water, wind, sunlight and even tides.
Хуз сайнтистс хэв биган ту люк фо сам альтернэтив формз оф энерджи сач эс вотэ винд санлайт энд ивэн тайдс.
These resources are clean, natural and unlimited.
Вис ресоурсиз ааа клин нэйтурал энд анлимитид.
There are various types of environmental pollution: air pollution, water pollution, land pollution.
Вэ ааа вориос тайпс оф энвайромэнтал палюшин ээ палюшин вотэ палюшин лэнд палюшин
Unfortunately, not all people realize or recognize that it is we who cause these problems.
Анфорчантли нот ол пипл рэалайз оо рэкогнайз вот ит из ви ху коз вис проблемс.
We must be proud to live on our wonderful planet and understand that the consequences of pollution can be terrible and affect us and our children later. We have to start recycling things made of glass, paper, plastic and aluminum.
Ви маст би проуд ту лайв он ауа вондефул планет энд андэстэнд вот вэ консеквэнсиз оф палюшин кэн би тэрибл энд аффект ас энд ауа чилдрен лэйте. Ви хэв ту стат рисайлин фингз мэйд оф гласс пэйпэ плэстик энд алюминум.
We have to quit smoking and plant as many trees as possible, because they can give us more.
Ви хэв ту квайт смоукин энд плант эс мэни триис эс посибл бикоз вэй кэн гив ас моо.
- 10.02.2022 08:43
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