Вопрос по английскому языку:
1. Peter (to go) to the office every day? 2. Ann (to go) to the cinema now? 3. She (not to speak) French well, but she (to speak) English very well. 4. On Thursday we (to go) to the concert to Moscow 5. You (to work) Saturdays? Yes, sometimes do. 6. Where (to live) Peter and Chris? 7. I (to be going to meet) Mary today? 8.Give me (a few, a little) apples, please. 9. I have (much, many) time, so can go to the cafe, 10. Kate (can, may, must) speak English very well. 11. (can, may) you translate this long sentence? 12 Chris usually (to cross) the street at the stoplight. 13. What is Mary doing now? She (to translate) today's correspondence. 14.You (to visit) your granny tomorrow? Yes, of course, 15. At the corner you (must, can, may) to turn to the left. The post office is on your right. 16. Mr. Sutton (to want) to speak to Mr. Brown today. 17. Jack is (busy) than John. 18. This film is (interesting) have ever seen in my life. 19. She is (beautiful) girl here. 20. This building as high) as that one. 21. Peter never (to be) in Chicago and Mary asked him to go with her. 22. There (to be) many departments in this street. 23. There (to be) a bookcase and many books in it in Mary's office. 24 I (to have) to go to the office yesterday as had a lot of work to do. 25. Yesterday morning (to be) late to work because my car broke: 26. (can) you to speak German two years ago? 27. I (not to know) my director five years ago. 28. They (to have) a three-room flat in Moscow. 29 My son (to be) at home at 7 o'clock in the evening. 30. Mr. Lavrov comes to (his, him) office at o'clock. 31. They usually (to watch) TV or (to read) newspapers and journals. 32. Now Mr. Voronin (to sit) in an armchair and (to read) a notspaper. 33. Voronin's son seldom (to watch) television in the evening. 34 He (to like) the English language and he (too want) to speak this language well. 35. Where (to be) John Dunn now? -He (to spend) the weekend in Brighton. 36. (to be) Mts. Bell in the garden? - Yes, she (to show) it to her friend. 37. Walt Disney (to be born) in 1901 in Chicago. 38. Last week I (to be) in the cinema. 39. I (not to like) detective films, but! (to like) this one. 40. We just (to receive) your latest catalogues.
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- 26.09.2018 05:50
- Английский язык
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- 27.09.2018 13:18
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