Вопрос по английскому языку:
5. Kерк, его сестра и брат всегда помогают родителям и дедушке с бабушкой. Кому они помогали? 0) Our mother washed the dishes. Helen helped her to wash the dishes. 1) Our parents gathered apples. I helped _____ to gather apples. 2) My sister dusted the furniture. Clive helped ______ to dust the furniture. 3) Our grandma cooked tasty food. Helen helped _____ to cook tasty food. 4) My brother fed the pets. I helped _____ to feed the pets. 5) Our father cleaned the car. My sister and I helped ______ to clean the car. 6) Our mother made a cake. Helen helped _____ to make a cake. 7) Our grandpa swept the paths. My brother and I helped ______ to sweep the paths.
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- 21.05.2018 02:02
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 2251
- thumb_up 23
Ответы и объяснения 1
1) Our parents gathered apples. I helped __them to gather apples.
2) My sister dusted the furniture. Clive helped __her to dust the furniture.
3) Our grandma cooked tasty food. Helen helped _her to cook tasty food.
4) My brother fed the pets. I helped __him to feed the pets.
5) Our father cleaned the car. My sister and I helped __him to clean the car.
6) Our mother made a cake. Helen helped __her to make a cake.
7) Our grandpa swept the paths. My brother and I helped _her to sweep the paths.
- 22.05.2018 07:47
- thumb_up 3
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