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Merlin is one of the most fascinating figures in British mythology. He was a wizard, a poet, a teacher and an advisor to kings. His story is full of mystery and magic. Today, we think of Merlin as a wise old man with a beard and a cloak who had magical powers. Ancient myths describe him as being half human; the son of a woman and a demon, and they say he could turn into a bird or cloud!In the 6th century the Kings of Britain were fighting great battles with foreign enemies. News of Merlin's intelligence and magical abilities reached King Uther and he became the King's advisor. One day, Merlin had a vision that the King's son, Arthur, was in great danger. Merlin advised the King to send his son to live in the forest. As the young Arthur was growing up in the forest Merlin became his guardian and teacher. When Uther died, the noblemen of the country started fighting each other for the throne. To put an end to the fighting Merlin created a contest to choose the new king. He stuck the magic sword, Excalibur, into a large stone and said whoever pulled it out was the true King. All the strongest men in the land tried to free the sword but failed. Then Arthur, who was looking for a sword for a local tournament, saw the sword and lifted it out easily. He became king and made Merlin his special advisor.
Even today, people wonder Merlin was more than just a character of medieval stories. Real or not, Merlin continues to fascinate people whenever they hear his story.
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- 04.12.2017 17:46
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 10557
- thumb_up 24
Ответы и объяснения 1
Даже сегодня люди удивляются, что Мерлин был не просто персонажем средневековых историй. Реально или нет, Мерлин продолжает очаровывать людей, когда они слышат его рассказ.
- 05.12.2017 14:21
- thumb_up 9
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