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3 новости написать на английском. Задание вообще звучит так 3 news around the world. На каждую новость 3-4 предложения. Можно и лучше использовать источник Яндекс.Новости
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- 19.06.2018 21:37
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 16848
- thumb_up 20
Ответы и объяснения 1
1)Medvedev advised to young officials not to be afraid of the word "last"
Prime minister Dmitry Medvedev advised to future managers not to use the word "extreme" in last value.
He called it "a strange philological tendency.
Reminded that the word "extreme" in Russian has "other value" is perfect and that "the last it is normal".
2)Football clubs want to return beer on stadiums.Moscow, on May 29. Clubs of the Russian football premier league support return of beer to football stadiums.
Let's remind, at the moment in Russia on sport constructions advertizing and beer sale is forbidden.The security director of RFPL Alexander Meytin reported that from next year the police will assist only to clubs in safety at stadiums, transfers
3)The suspect of attack on the soldier in Paris is arrested.
The arrested on suspicion in attack on soldier Cedric Kordye near Versailles the 22-year-old man recognized that struck to the young soldier blow with a knife.The police made arrest on Wednesday morning in 45 km to the southwest from Paris.As the Minister of Internal Affairs of France Manuel Valls reported, the suspect found in the wake of DNK, left it on an attack place.
- 20.06.2018 21:00
- thumb_up 17
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