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- 21.12.2017 11:47
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 2
Reading improves our outlook and helps us to think wider. Moreover reading of magazines let us get to know about new tendencies in modern life, social streams and so on. It is a common fact that the variety of magazines on today market is uncountable. Thus everyone is able to choose something interesting. For example, my classmates can’t wait to buy a fresh number of “Cosmopolitan”, “Viva” etc. They believe that articles in it may help in their life. So what can I say - “Tastes differ”.
As for me I’m keen of art in any kind. That’s why I’m trying to read as many interesting articles regarding contemporary art as possible. I think this helps in self-realization and gives better understanding of the world as it’s the common fact that art reflects all the tendencies which exist in society.
There is one magazine that’s quite helpful in this grasping process. It’s called “Sho”. It positions itself as underground art magazine. On its pages I always find something interesting to read about. For more convenience it is divided into sections devoted to modern theatre, news in the field of cinema and most remarkable movies, contemporary literature, and music. As usual I read overviews from different film festivals, for example, Cannes International Film Festival. I find out new interesting music groups and even music streams. On the pages concerning tourism I get to know about exciting sightseeings and possibilities to travel around the world.
“Sho” covers almost all my needs regarding art projects and events. I want to believe that it also helps me to find myself and create my own lifestyle.
- 22.12.2017 01:30
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Reading improves our outlook and helps us to think wider. Moreover reading of magazines let us get to know about new tendencies in modern life, social streams and so on. It is a common fact that the variety of magazines on today market is uncountable. Thus everyone is able to choose something interesting. For example, my classmates can’t wait to buy a fresh number of “Cosmopolitan”, “Viva” etc. They believe that articles in it may help in their life. So what can I say - “Tastes differ”.
As for me I’m keen of art in any kind. That’s why I’m trying to read as many interesting articles regarding contemporary art as possible. I think this helps in self-realization and gives better understanding of the world as it’s the common fact that art reflects all the tendencies which exist in society.
There is one magazine that’s quite helpful in this grasping process. It’s called “Sho”. It positions itself as underground art magazine. On its pages I always find something interesting to read about. For more convenience it is divided into sections devoted to modern theatre, news in the field of cinema and most remarkable movies, contemporary literature, and music. As usual I read overviews from different film festivals, for example, Cannes International Film Festival. I find out new interesting music groups and even music streams. On the pages concerning tourism I get to know about exciting sightseeings and possibilities to travel around the world.
“Sho” covers almost all my needs regarding art projects and events. I want to believe that it also helps me to find myself and create my own lifestyle.
Оригинал http://ycilka.net/tvir.php?id=848#ixzz4XMIJ1ISG
- 23.12.2017 05:52
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