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- 02.04.2018 01:49
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 3411
- thumb_up 5
Ответы и объяснения 2
Some admire generous autumn, others like merry snowy winter, many of us enjoy drippingsnow but I love summer!
We have the longest holidays in summer! There is no necessity at all to get up early. Neither lessons nor hometasks! You may do what you want: to swim all day long or go to the forest to gather berries! And so it is during three long wonderful months of the best season!
And what bright colours summer has!
It is a pleasure to the eyes the wild verdure of trees and grass, the gold of sunrays, the bright- blue sky with the white clouds on it. And have you ever been in the fields in summer? How many colourful flowers you can see there! So, you couldn`t take your eyes off this beauty!
And bright juicy apricots, plumps, raspberries cry out to be eaten!
In summer all students have holidays. They go to the sea, rest there and gain strength for a new academic year. This summer I have been to the seaside. I was admired how changeable the sea was! In a minute it could change its colour; from limpid- blue up to dirty - brown. But nevertheless it was fine! I would like to come back here again and again!
I like summer because I can see very often the rainbow. And the summer itself is the real rainbow of colours
- 03.04.2018 15:32
- thumb_up 46
- 04.04.2018 05:48
- thumb_up 38
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.