Вопрос по английскому языку:
5) Match the questions 1–5 to the responses a–e to make mini dialogues.(5 points)
1. ‘Can I speak to the manager, please?’
2. ‘Do you think teenagers’ lives are easier now?’
3. ‘Do you fancy Dan?’
4. ‘Why did you mention computer games?’
5. ‘Why should we employ you?’
a ‘If you ask me, the answer is no.’
b ‘Well, I’m very willing to learn and I’m well qualified.’
c ‘Well, I think he’s attractive but he messes around too much.’
d ‘Can I ask what your call is concerning?’
e ‘The point I’m trying to make is that they can be good for you.’
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- 05.06.2018 07:17
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
1. ‘Can I speak to the manager, please?’- d ‘Can I ask what your call is concerning?’
2. ‘Do you think teenagers’ lives are easier now?’-a ‘If you ask me, the answer is no.’
3. ‘Do you fancy Dan?-’c ‘Well, I think he’s attractive but he messes around too much.’
4. ‘Why did you mention computer games?’-b ‘Well, I’m very willing to learn and I’m well qualified.’
5. ‘Why should we employ you?’ -e ‘The point I’m trying to make is that they can be good for you.
- 06.06.2018 12:47
- thumb_up 9
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