Вопрос по английскому языку:
Open the brackets.write only the verbs.
if you (to come) there first, you (to wait) for me in the hall.
by this time next week dr.johnson (to work) on this project for a year.
yesterday he (to repair) the car.
john (to translate) the next by 5 o'clock tomorrow.
nick (to draw) the picture at the moment.
i only just (to finish) "the count of monte cristo"
the plane (to fly) over the atlentic ocean for 2 hours.
while mother (to vacuum) the sofa pete (to wash) up.
they (to clean) their flat by 5 o'clock yesterday.
he (to finish) his report by the end of the week.
they (to fight) about 10 minutes when the teacher came in.
you (to read) the leading newspaper tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
new buildings and bridges often (to build) in our city.
the letters (to post) timorrow.
look! the work (to do) now.
by this time next week jack (to take) his exam.
we (to go) to the zoo last month.
the toys (to make) now.
these books (to sell) everywhere.
the information (receive) next week.
english (to speak) here.
a new cinema (to build) just in our city.
vladivostok (to found) in 1860.
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- 19.06.2018 00:46
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
- 20.06.2018 19:16
- thumb_up 9
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.