Вопрос по английскому языку:
Complete the sentences with down (on), off, out or up. 1) The thtee was cut .... and taken away.2) I'd like to cut this picture ... of the calendar and
keep it. 3) Cut the tops ... the carrots before cooking them. 4) The doctor advised Sally to cut ... her working hours. 5) My little sister likes cutting bright flowers .. of postcards. 6) I always cut .... meat before giving it to cat. 7) Alan cut .... a thick slice of bread and made a sandwich. 8) After the rains their village was cut .... from the main roads by the flood.
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- 24.09.2018 17:12
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 10859
- thumb_up 11
Ответы и объяснения 1
1) The tree was cut down and taken away.
2) I'd like to cut this picture out of the calendar and keep it.
3) Cut the tops off the carrots before cooking them.
4) The doctor advised Sally to cut down on her working hours.
5) My little sister likes cutting bright flowers out of postcards.
6) I always cut up meat before giving it to cat.
7) Alan cut off a thick slice of bread and made a sandwich.
8) After the rains their village was cut off from the main roads by the flood.
- 26.09.2018 00:45
- thumb_up 3
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