Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите пожалуйста сделать домашку!!! Match the two parts of the sentences. Write them down. 1)Hyde Park 2)In Speakers Corner 3) Buckingham Palace 4)The British Prime 5)In Oxford street 6) A lot of government offices 7) A red double-decker. a)Lives at 10, Downing Street b) are situated in Whitehall. c) is very popular with Londoners.d) everybody can say what they want. e) is a symbol of London and a symbol of the country. f) there are a lot of big and small shops. g) is where the British monarch lives when he or she is in London.
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- 27.04.2018 00:17
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 18359
- thumb_up 5
Ответы и объяснения 1
1)Hyde Park c) is very popular with Londoners.
2)In Speakers Corner d) everybody can say what they want.
3) Buckingham Palace g) is where the British monarch lives when he or she is in London.
4)The British Prime a)Lives at 10, Downing Street
5)In Oxford street f) there are a lot of big and small shops.
6) A lot of government offices b) are situated in Whitehall.
7) A red double-decker. e) is a symbol of London and a symbol of the country.
- 27.04.2018 07:37
- thumb_up 2
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