Вопрос по английскому языку:
Найдите неправильный глагол, в формах которого допущена ошибка:
A) make /made/ made
B) understand / understood / understood
C) read / read / read
D) do / does / done
11. Расставьте слова в правильной последовательности, чтобы получить предложение:
hands / cocoa / held / in / her / both / Mary
A) In both her hands Mary held cocoa.
B) Mary held her cocoa in both hands.
C) In her both hands Mary held cocoa.
D) Mary held cocoa in her both hands.
12. Найдите предложение, в котором допущена ошибка:
A) My brother is older than me.
B) This cake is the most tasty.
C) Your test is easier than mine.
D) Lina is the most intelligent girl I’ve ever met.
13. Определите, кто из спортсменов оказался самым сильным?
Ivanov was very strong, but not the strongest one. Petrov was as strong as Ivanov. Sidorov was the same strength as Petrov, but not as strong as Baranov. Baranov had much more power.
A) Ivanov
B) Petrov
C) Baranov
D) Sidorov
14. Выберите предложение, в котором вопрос сформулирован правильно:
Prince gave her that beautiful golden ring.
A) Who gave her that beautiful golden ring?
B) Who did give her that beautiful golden ring?
C) Who does give her that beautiful golden ring?
D) Who did gave her that beautiful golden ring?
15. Угадайте город по описанию:
This city is one of the biggest cities in the United States. Its history starts in 1624, when 30 families came there to live and work. Sometimes we call it “The Big Apple”. This city is considered the cultural capital of the world. It has 5 districts called boroughs — The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. In the bay near the city, we can see one of the most popular monuments in the world – the Statue of Liberty.
A) Paris
B) Moscow
C) New York
D) Ottawa
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