Вопрос по английскому языку:
С. Read the e-mail and mark the sentences T (true) and F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
Hi Sam,
I want to tell you about my perfect day. Sunday is my favourite day of the week. I usually do my homework on Saturday so I am free on Sunday.
I usually wake up at 10 o’clock and have a big breakfast. Then, I take my dog Sparky for a walk. We always go to the park. There we meet with my friend, Tom and his dog. After that, I go to the basketball court near my house. I love basketball! I play some games with my friends.
In the afternoon, I surf the Internet or listen to music. Then, in the evening, I watch my favourite shows on TV. At night, I have a bath and go to bed. I absolutely love Sundays.
Please tell me about your perfect day.
1. Robert is busy on Saturday. _____
2. Robert wakes up early on Sunday. _____
3. Robert and Sparky meet friends at the park. _____ 4. The basketball court is far from his house. _____
5. Robert loves tennis and volleyball. _____
6. Robert never listens to music. _____
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- 20.06.2018 10:01
- Английский язык
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