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- 15.02.2016 12:37
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 8841
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Ответы и объяснения 2
When we want to buy something, we go to a shop or a supermarket.
Every day before leaving for school I look around the kitchen to see what we need. And on my way from school I drop into the nearest supermarket, fortunately enough it’s not far from my house, and buy bread and other everyday essentials. Every Friday evening I examin our kitchen more carefully as Saturday is our shopping day. The shopping list is rather long, so I go shopping.
I go to the supermarket where we can buy different things at once: fish, bread, sausages, flour, tea, sugar, spices, eggs. I think that a bakery department is among the best in the shop as it has a rich choice of rolls, buns and biscuits. And what is more importable they are always fresh and tasty. I all have a sweet tooth, so I never miss the confectionery, where I usually buy sweets, candies, chocolate bars, cakes and so on.
I like supermarket, in particular, large supermarkets
- 16.02.2016 18:05
- thumb_up 49
I was in the market. I saw (a) fish and different foods. There were cute but sorry ... there were animals well and as always I bought them (a) it was cool! the cat scratched :) Th not under resiruem
- 17.02.2016 01:35
- thumb_up 22
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