Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
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- 25.06.2018 23:47
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 12232
- thumb_up 23
Ответы и объяснения 1
A) 1. Tom said that he had found some good friends.
2. The class-master told us that Aina had made a good report on friendship the previous time.
3. The girl wrote she should meet him at the station.
4. Mary complained her father wasn't well.
5. She said that her husband had studied engineering.
6. Iris told us that he couldn't find his telephone number.
7. We told Velta that we hadn't met her brother the day before.
B) 1. The boy told her friends that he had already read half the book.
2. I told them that I had had no time to look through those magazines the day before.
3. Andris wrote that his letter had come too late and that he had promised to go to his friend where he should stay for a week.
4. The newspaper announced that Diana had won the first prize.
5. Ilze said that her brother hadn't gone to the stadium the day before.
6. Andris told her brother that he was going to work in the garden the next day.
7. The girls said that I'd completed my work before they had arrived.
C) 1. The teacher said that I mustn't do that exercise in class.
2. She told us that she should have corrected our tests by the next lesson.
3. I told Peter that he needed not to bring me the notes the next day.
4. The lecturer said that there were different issues which he wanted to explain that day.
5. Jack said that his brother had been drawing for several ...
- 26.06.2018 15:02
- thumb_up 28
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