Вопрос по английскому языку:
Answer the questions
1. How can you burn calories?
2. What physical activity do you do every day?
3. Give examples of a balanced diet. What should a person eat?
4. Is there much convenience food in the shops in your city / town / village? Do you like it? Do you think it tastes good?
5. Are there any fast food restaurants in your city / town / village? Are they popular? Do you like the food there?
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- 27.10.2017 22:05
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 6009
- thumb_up 35
Ответы и объяснения 1
1.I can to burn one thousand calories.
2.Every day I do my morning exercises for example: I do sit -ups, I am pressing very much and I running in early morning.
3.I believe that every person should have a balanced diet,for example every person should eat an eggs for breakfast because there are a lot of vitamins, also every person should eat a fructs every day, vegetable salads and litely to eat flour and fried food.
4.There are a lot of convenience food in shop in my town. Yes I like it. Yes,these products are very tastes,a lot of products are rich by vitamins.
5. There are a many restaurants in my town,but there very often offers a fast food. I hate fast food because it is do harm our health
- 28.10.2017 17:33
- thumb_up 24
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