Вопрос по английскому языку:
1. I had a difficult choice to make.I really_____(not/know) what I should do in a situation like that. 2. The things was that I____(invite) to two birthdaypartles on the same day. 3.One birthday girl was my cousin Laura. She was turning eighteen that day and it was a very important event for______(she). 4. "it only _____(happen) once in your life," Laura told me."You must be at my party, 5. I ______(accept) any excuse for your missing it." 6. The day was very special for my close friend,Monica,too.It was her _____ (twenty) birthday which was quite a day as well. 7. ''I _______ (order) a huge birthday cake!" she informed me on the phone. "I remember that you don't like chocolate cream, so there's only vanilla and fruit filling in it. " The worst thing about the situation was that the girls knew each other quite well. My preference would not remain a secret. 8. I didn't want to hurt any of the girls so I worked out a plan. Right before the parties I called both, Laure and Monica. I wished each of them a happy birthday and explained that I _______ (feel) too sick to come to the party.
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- 03.01.2018 00:02
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 7759
- thumb_up 39
Ответы и объяснения 1
2) invited
3) her
4) happens
5) I won’t accept или I not accepting
6) twentieth
- 03.01.2018 08:31
- thumb_up 44
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