Вопрос по английскому языку:
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The clock has just struck seven.Mary is in her bedroom now. She is not asleep,she is already up.She has opened the window and turned on the radio. She is doing her morning exercises to the music.She is going to have a wash.
It is a quarter past seven. Mary is in the bathroom. She has just taken a cold shower,dried herself on the towel and cleaned her teeth. She is doing her hair before the mirror.How she is going to dress.
Mary is in the bedroom again.She has already brushed her clothes and shoes. She is dressing.She has just put on her dress.She is putting on her shoes now.Has she made her bed yet? Yes,she has.
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- 22.07.2018 02:25
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 11794
- thumb_up 36
Ответы и объяснения 1
The clock has just struck seven. I am in her bedroom now. I am not asleep,I am already up.I have opened the window and turned on the radio. I am doing my morning exercises to the music.I am going to have a wash.
It is a quarter past seven. I am in the bathroom. I have just taken a cold shower,dried myself on the towel and cleaned my teeth. I am doing my hair before the mirror.How I am going to dress.
I am in the bedroom again.I have already brushed my clothes and shoes. I am dressing.I have just put on my dress. I am putting on my shoes now.Have I made my bed yet? Yes,I have.
- 24.07.2018 00:07
- thumb_up 34
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.