Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите переделат в косвенную речь :)
John: I've got two tickets for a new film. Would you
like to go?
Mary: I'm afraid I'll be busy this evening. What time
does it begin?
John: At half past eight.
Mary: Oh, that's all right. Г think I'll have enough
time to do all I'm planning to.
Peter: How long are you going to stay here?
Ann: A fortnight, I think. -
Peter: Then you'll have enough time to see the sights,
won't you? Would you like to begin tomorrow morning?
Ann: I'd love to.
A man: Excuse me. Can you speak English?
Ann: Yes, a little.
The man: Could you tell me how I get to Red Square
from here?
Ann: Yes, certainly. You can take the 12 bus. It won't
take you ten minutes to get there.
The man: Thank you very much.
Ann: Not at all.
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- 11.08.2018 22:58
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 8790
- thumb_up 87
Ответы и объяснения 1
John said that he had got two tickets for a new film. and saked if Mary Would like to go.
Mary said thad she would be busy that evening. She asked what time it would begin.
John answered that it would begin at half past eight.
Mary said that was all right. She thought that she would have enough time to do all I was planning to.
Peter asked how long Ann was going to stay there.
Ann said that she was going to stay there A fortnight
Peter said that she would have enough time to see the sights
HE asked if she Would like to begin the next morning.
Ann agreed.
A man apologized. He asked If Ann could speak English.
Ann said that she could speak a little.
The man asked me how he could get to Red Square from there?
Ann said that he could take the 12 bus and that it would take him ten minutes to get there.
The man thanked Ann.
- 13.08.2018 02:06
- thumb_up 42
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.