Вопрос по английскому языку:
Make the sentences interrogative and negative.
a. He took his children to the Zoo.
b. Mary was a good pupil.
c. They saw a new Film on Monday
d. they had breakfast before they went out
e. His wife cooked some scones for breakfast .
f. The people of Pine Clearing were proud of their school.
g. my mother bought some vegetables for supper.
h/ They had a lot of probleams with their son
Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
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- 02.02.2018 12:29
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 4842
- thumb_up 40
Ответы и объяснения 1
a. He didn't take his children to the Zoo.
b. Mary wasn't a good pupil.
c. They didn't see a new Film on Monday
d. they didn't have breakfast before they went out
e. His wife didn't cook some scones for breakfast .
f. The people of Pine Clearing weren't proud of their school.
g. my mother didn't buy some vegetables for supper.
h/ They didn't have a lot of problems with their son
a. Did he take his children to the Zoo?
b. Was Mary a good pupil?
c. Did they see a new Film on Monday ?
d. Did they have breakfast before they went out?
e. Did his wife cook some scones for breakfast ?
f. Were the people of Pine Clearing proud of their school?
g. Did my mother buy some vegetables for supper?
h/ Did they have a lot of problems with their son?
- 03.02.2018 01:49
- thumb_up 17
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