Вопрос по информатике:
1. What is an "interface"? a. user-teacher interaction
b. user interaction with a floppy disk on the table
c. interaction of the keyboard with computer tools
d. user interaction with computer tools
e. interaction of a magnetic disk with computer tools.
2. The operating system is:
a. computer language
b. system program
c. application program
d. text editor
e. programming system
3. The taskbar contains:
a. only labels
b. a program that allows you to develop complex documents
c.start button
d. buttons of minimized programs
e. start button and icons of minimized and running programs
4. The main opens:
a. click on the center of the screen
b. context menu
c. click on the My computer icon
d. use the start button
e. by clicking on the taskbar
5. The desktop is:
a. folder
b. file
c. the Central part of the screen
d. Storage space for documents
e. active part of the screen
6. Icons for collapsed programs are located
a.in the Main menu
b.on the taskbar
c. on the desktop
d. on the display panel
e. on the start button
7. For standard Windows installations, you can use a single right-click to:
a. open the main menu
b. to open the object
c. open the context menu
d. set the current position of the input pointer
e. select a word in a text document
8. choose two correct answers. The term "Operating system" means:
a. the program that provides the user-computer interface
b. a set of programs that ensure the operation of the computer
c. a program that allows you to develop complex documents
d. Document stored on a CD-ROM
e. program for preparing for complex operations
9. From the point of view of the computer User, a file is -
a. Media
b. the storage location for multiple documents
c. storage Box for instructions on how to use instructions
d.extended catalog
e. unit of information storage on the device
10. Choose two correct answers. File name extension
a. contains information about the number of accesses to the file
b. optional element for the name
c. notifies about the file assignment
d. contains information about the author of the document
e. specified after the name and separated from it by the symbol "dot".
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- 11.09.2021 17:29
- Информатика
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Ответы и объяснения 1
1. What is an "interface"?
c. interaction of the keyboard with computer tools
2. The operating system is:
a. system program
3. The taskbar contains:
c. start button
4. The main opens:
d. use the start button
5. The desktop is:
e. active part of the screen
6. Icons for collapsed programs are located
b.on the taskbar
7. For standard Windows installations, you can use a single right-click to:
d. set the current position of the input pointer
e. select a word in a text document
8. choose two correct answers. The term "Operating system" means:
a. the program that provides the user-computer interface
b. a set of programs that ensure the operation of the computer
9. From the point of view of the computer User, a file is -
e. unit of information storage on the device
10. Choose two correct answers. File name extension
c. notifies about the file assignment
e. specified after the name and separated from it by the symbol "dot".
- 13.09.2021 08:06
- thumb_up 1
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Информатика — наука о методах и процессах сбора, хранения, обработки, передачи, анализа и оценки информации с применением компьютерных технологий, обеспечивающих возможность её использования для принятия решений.