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Найдите в тексте русские эквиваленты следующим словам:
move to, escape smth., obtain, by heating, particularly, find evidence, be a component of smth ., although, perform an experiment, even earlier, appear, until, though, along with, in fact, on the basis of, as well as, very fine experimental work, modem concept, work of one’s own, consist in smth, since, such as, yield products, an acidic solution, t he second most abundant component, about one fifth by volume, in the combined state, on the average.
Найдите в тексте русские эквиваленты следующим словам:
различные соединения, путем нагревания, особенно, найти доказательство, составная часть атмосферы, хотя, опубликовать работу, признавать, играть важную роль, наряду с, на основании, так же как, тонкая работа, современное понятие, заключаться в, так как, неметалл, давать продуты, реагировать с, в свободном состоянии, встречаться в атмосфере, около 90% по весу, чистая вода, в среднем, морская вода.
Credit for the discovery of oxygen is shared by two men, Joseph Priestley, an English clergyman andclergyman and amateur scientist, who later moved to the United States to escape religious amateur scientist, who later moved to the United States to escape religious persecution, and Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish pharmacist. Working independently, these two persecution, and Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish pharmacist. Working independently, these two men both obtained the gas which we know as oxygen by heating various compounds of thmen both obtained the gas which we know as oxygen by heating various compounds of the e element, particularly mercuric oxide. They also found evidence that this gas is a component of the element, particularly mercuric oxide. They also found evidence that this gas is a component of the atmosphere.atmosphere. Priestley’s work was published in 1774, but although Scheele’s experiments had probably Priestley’s work was published in 1774, but although Scheele’s experiments had probably been performed even earlier, their publication was been performed even earlier, their publication was delayed and no account of them appeared until delayed and no account of them appeared until 1777. Though Priestley recognized that the gas which he had discovered plays an important role in combustion, he remained, along with Scheele, an ardent adherent of the phlogiston theory of combustion, he remained, along with Scheele, an ardent adherent of the phlogiston theory of combustion; incombustion; in fact,fact, he called the gas “dephlogisticated air”.he called the gas “dephlogisticated air”. On the basis of the experimental results of Priestley, Scheele, andOn the basis of the experimental results of Priestley, Scheele, and others, as well as some others, as well as some very fine experimental work of his own, in 1777very fine experimental work of his own, in 1777 the brilliant French chemist Lavoisier established the brilliant French chemist Lavoisier established the modem conceptthe modem concept thatthat the combustion of a substance consists in its combination with thethe combustion of a substance consists in its combination with the new new gas which Priestley and Scheele had described, and which Lavoisiergas which Priestley and Scheele had described, and which Lavoisier found an important found an important constituent of the atmosphere. Since the combustionconstituent of the atmosphere. Since the combustion of many substances (now known as nonof many substances (now known as non--metals) smetals) such as phosphorus anduch as phosphorus and sulphur yields products which react with water and give acidic sulphur yields products which react with water and give acidic solutions,solutions, Lavoisier named this gas oxygen, derived from Greek words meaning “acid Oxygen occurs in the free state as the second most abundant component of the at mosphere; about one fifth of the air by volume is oxygen. In the combined state it makes up 88.81% by weight of pure water, and, on the average, 85.79% of sea water. It occurs in the earth’s crust, in the form of a multitude of compounds, to the estimated extent of 46.43%.
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- 12.05.2023 16:41
- Английский язык
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Ответы и объяснения 1
различные соединения (various compounds), путем нагревания (by heating), особенно (particularly), найти доказательство (found evidence), составная часть атмосферы ( is a component of the atmosphere), хотя (although) , опубликовать работу (was published), признавать (recognized), играть важную роль (plays an important role), наряду с (along with), на основании (On the basis), так же как (as well as), тонкая работа (very fine work), современное понятие (modem concept), заключаться в (occurs in), так как (such as), неметалл (non-metals), давать продуты (give acidic sulphur yields products), реагировать с (react with), в свободном состоянии (in the free state), встречаться в атмосфере (of the atmosphere), около 90% по весу (by weight), чистая вода (pure water,), в среднем (on the average), морская вода (sea water).
- 13.05.2023 13:04
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