Вопрос по английскому языку:
Rainbow english test 1 sport and outdoor activities variant 2. Срочно, пожалуйста!
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- 07.10.2020 15:20
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 4394
- thumb_up 4
Ответы и объяснения 1
1.Write the same in English. Don’t forget about using such verbs as “do,go,play”
Заниматься йогой - do yougа
Заниматься альпинизмом - do climbing
Заниматься конькобежным спортом - do skating
Заниматься лыжным спортом - do skiing
Заниматься боксом - go to box
Заниматься баскетболом - play basketbool
Заниматься конькобежным спортом - do skating
2.Write what Mrs Smith used to do at school, but doesn’t do now
spend time with friends
watch comedies
eat many sweets
used to do at school - do lessons
play football
3.Use PAST SIMPLE or PAST PERFECT to complete the sentences
Jenifer (complete)_ed___________the training by 7 o’clock.
The children (run)_ran_____into their playground and (see)__saw____that the storm (ruin)__had ruined____everything on it.
When we (meet)__met________, John (already do)_had done_________everything for our next class.
Bob was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He (wash)_ed______his sportssuit.
Yesterday we (start)_ed_______our training only after Harry (return)_had returned__________.
They (go)_went___home after the film(finish)_had finished_______.
The children (go)__went__to the skating rink as soon as they(return)_had returned_______from the museum.
4.Use the functional words from the box to complete the sentences.
(with, over,for,in,of,about,up,at)
I don’t think boxing is a sport _of___my taste.
Fred stole the money and ended up____in a jail. - Soon Alec joined us__in__the game.
- Never cry_over___such little things.
Do you know what happened __in___the end __at___the match?
Kitty has always played__with___their hochey team.
Peter fell down and cried _of____pain.
The match ended___over__the victory of the opponent’s team.
The kids were excited_about____the motor races.
5.Write this in English:
Иметь преимущество-have advantage, спортивный инвентарь-sports equipment, школьная команда-school team, присоединиться к клубу-join to club, возвращаться домой-go back home, война и мир-peace and war, серебряное кольцо-silver ring, кто-нибудь ещё-anybode else.
- 07.10.2020 22:55
- thumb_up 2
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