Вопрос по английскому языку:
1. My aunt ... very depressed last Sunday.
2. The house ... not clean.
3. Where ... your mother now?
4. He is getting higher salary.
a) Present Continuous;
b) Past Continuous;
c) Future Continuous;
d)Present Simple.
5. I'm buying milk for milk shakes.
a) Present Simple;
b) Present Cintinuous;
c) Future Simple;
d) Future Continuous.
6. I was not taken.
a) Present Simple Passive;
b) Past Simple Passive;
c) Future Simple Passive;
d) Present Perfect Passive.
7. Rom was not built in a day.
a) Present Simple Passive;
b) Past Simple Passive;
c) Future Simple Passive;
d) Present Perfect Passive.
8. She will ... them in the hall upstairs
9. What your neighbours ... yesterday?
10. He ... yesterday.
11. She already ... from school.
12. .... I come in?
13. I ... finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me any more.
14. Only a person who knows the language very well ... answer such a question.
15. I ... play tennis when I was younger.
16. You ... be back at 10 o'clock.
17. You ... drive more carefully.
18. That story ... be true.
19. If the weather is good tomorrow, I will go to the beach.
20. If the weather had been good, I would have gone to the beach.
21. If the weather were good, I would go to the beach.
a) Zero conditional;
b) First conditional;
c) Second conditional;
d) Third conditional.
22. What ... this mean?
23. How do you ... this word?
24. ... is your birthday?
25. ...are you studying English?
26. ... shoppig/on holiday/for a walk
27. A person who buys products or uses services.
28. Everyone who works in the
29. A job you need to do.
30. A place where many people work at desks.
a) task;
b) office;
c) staff;
d) salary
31. Everyone likes that films, but I … it.
32. In the future, cars … use oil because it will be too expensive.
33. I started writing ten years ago, but I… anything.
34. You … need a special visa, but I am not sure
35. He… his girlfriend in 2010.
36. They have not been here … 1991.
37. You… have a passport to get into the country.
38. She has worked with us … three years.
39. She … do any homework tonight so she can come with us.
40. I have known Olga … my first year at university.
41. You … see the dentist about that tooth.
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- 01.08.2018 01:39
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 9088
- thumb_up 29
Ответы и объяснения 1
The house was not clean. The sink was broken. There were dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There was nothing in the fridge. There were no vegetables for dinner, there was no juice for her children. There wasn't even bread in the house! She was tired and hungry. She was just exhausted.
- 02.08.2018 14:18
- thumb_up 44
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