Вопрос по английскому языку:
III. Write the statements in REPORTED SPEECH. Use the words in brackets. Ben said to me: ''I love you''. (say) She said to Sam: ''What are you doing?'' (ask) She said to me:” Have you seen this film before?” (wonder) “Jack, eat your breakfast!” said his grandma. (remind) Mary said to her grandma: «Don't be angry with me!» (order) Susan said: «My brother works here.» (explain) The doctor said: «Do you keep a diet?» (ask) IV. CONDITIONALS. Complete the sentences. 1) If I …………. (know) his number, I would phone him. 2) I .................. (not / buy) that computer if I were you. 3) If the weather is fine, we ……… (have) a picnic tomorrow. 4) We would need a car if we .................. (live) in the country. 5) I'm not tired. If I ..................... ( be) tired, I would go home now. 6) I wasn't tired last night. If I ................... (be) tired, I would have gone home earlier. 7) If I were you, I ..................... (not /wait). 8) The view was wonderful. If I ………… (have) a camera with me, I ………… (take) some photographs.
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- 15.01.2018 13:24
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 15332
- thumb_up 15
Ответы и объяснения 1
IV. knew. wouldn’t buy. will have. lived. was. was. wouldn’t wait. had, would
- 16.01.2018 17:10
- thumb_up 17
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