Вопрос по английскому языку:
Test. 1. Choose the words or word combinations you can correctly use in these sentences. Polka-dot, job-oriented, freshly ground, clue, barber, pinstriped, sleeve, suede, temptation, handicrafts 1. From their first day at university, our university offers students schemes to help them become increasingly ___________. 2. The FBI sorted through the suspects’ garbage in hopes of finding ___________. 3. She lowered the ___________, down, down, until they reached her wrists. 4. Seven minutes later the princess, dressed in a navy suit and pink and navy ___________ blouse, came out. 5. The effect is similar to dressing a tall man in a ___________ suit – it simply accentuates the length! 6. He told the ___________ he wanted to be perfumed and powdered. 7. I bought my first pair of those brown ___________ boots back in the early Sixties. 8. Add a pinch of salt and season generously with ___________ black pepper. 9. The island used to be a regular stop-off point for ships, and made money by selling ___________. 10. Resist the ___________ to buy the item until you’re certain you need it. 2. Match the columns. Insert the word combinations you can correctly use in these sentences. ------A---------------------------B------ Microwave-----------------graphics Security--------------------machine Closed ---------------------detector Computer------------------drive Answering-----------------potato Smoke----------------------guard Hard ------------------------track of them To keep---------------------circuit Couch-----------------------control Remote---------------------oven 1. Write down the names of people you meet, and then ___________. 2. Did you leave a message on my ___________? 3. The trial made legal history when child witnesses gave evidence using ___________ television cameras. 4. In addition to a general ___________ degree, you can develop more in-depth knowledge and skills in other areas. 5. A lot of kids today are overweight ___________. 6. The ___________ was recently rated as the #1 technology in making people’s lives better – ahead of the answering machine and the ATM. 7. He had the ___________ in his hand and he was channel-hopping, listlessly. 8. The dark suited ___________ glowered at him from within the bright interior of the shop. 9. Three hundred firemen and 400 policemen raced to the Hofburg after a ___________ set off the alarm soon after midnight. 10. Here you can copy files, list files in other directories and even format a ___________ .
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- 03.09.2018 23:08
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 11759
- thumb_up 44
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- 04.09.2018 00:31
- thumb_up 44
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