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- 27.10.2017 16:49
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 11536
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Ответы и объяснения 1
I have many Pets: dogs, chickens, turtles. But I want to talk about one of them.Bertha is a German shepherd. She has a big black nose. Brown eyes, which will always look at you so pitifully, that you will give all, that like it or and not like it or. Ears are, and hear every rustle, the slightest sound. Cone – shaped pretty face. A long tail, which all time stands at. Coat her black – and- red-haired, in some places visible white spots.Berta-movable dog, she always in movement. Then jump from the stump to the ground and back, then drags the stick, without shutting down runs around owners. But she's not stupid and executes basic commands: "To me!», «Sit!», «Place!», and other. My Bertocco very affectionate. Be sure to climb under the arm or a hug with his paws, loves to lick his hand and face.Here's an amazingly intelligent and beautiful animal lives in my house. A smart and well-bred dog is an example of loyalty and devotion to its master, that is to me.
- 28.10.2017 05:10
- thumb_up 10
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