Вопрос по английскому языку:
2. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold. 1. How many English verbs do you know? REGULAR 2. His answer was CORRECT 3. Half of the population still stays on the continent of Africa. LITERATE 4. change the sentence into speech. DIRECT 5. It was for him to forgive her. POSSIBLE 3. Change the sentences into Passive Voice Mr Wilson will teach you English. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday. Our mother tells us stories every evening. A boy showed her the way. 5. They will send us a box of fruit. In summer the boys often ride the horses. 7. I have translated the whole text. He must take the box to the station. David is cleaning the room now. 10. You can't cross the river on a raft. Fill in: away, off, on, through, up with, out.
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- 12.04.2018 16:04
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 19379
- thumb_up 26
Ответы и объяснения 1
2. His answer was INCORRECT
3. Half of the population still stays ILLITERATEon the continent of Africa.
4. change the sentence into INDIRECT speech.
5. It was IMPOSSIBLE for him to forgive her.
3. You will be taught English by Mr Wilson.
Nick was given by Tom a book for his birthday.
Every evening we are told stories by our mother.
She was shown the way by a boy.
We will be sent a box of fruit.
In summer the horses are often riden by the boys.
The whole text has been translated by me.
The box must be taken to the station.
Now the room is being cleaned by David.
The river cannot be crossed on a raft.
- 14.04.2018 00:14
- thumb_up 5
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