Вопрос по английскому языку:
Make one sentence out of two.Use 'which' 'where' and commas.
1)The national Curriculum of the UK includes maths,English,science,a modern foreign language and design and technology.These subjects are compulsory.
2)The food in the canteen is very cheap.It is tasty.
3)The sculpture of Amir Temur is very impressive.It is in the central square in Shakhrisabz.
4)American Independence Day is celebreted with fireworks,parties and other special ceremonies.It is on 4th July.
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- 25.02.2018 23:33
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 19589
- thumb_up 32
Ответы и объяснения 1
2. The food which is in the canteen, is very cheap and tasty.
3. The sculpture of Amir Temur is very impressive, where the central square is in Shakhrisabz.
4. American Independence Day is celebreted with fireworks,parties and other special ceremonies., which is on 4th of July.
- 26.02.2018 22:12
- thumb_up 31
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