Вопрос по английскому языку:
B Complete the text with adjectives formed from the words in brackets.
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What is it that makes us like certain people more than others? A new study issued today by the Institute of Psychology sheds some light on the features considered (0) ___important___ (importance) in deciding whom to like and whom not to like. One of the (1) _______________ (decision) factors appears to be the question of whether the person is (2) _______________ (rely). We generally need predictability in other people and this is closely followed by two other features: having a (3) _______________ (logic) mind and being (4) _______________ (tolerate). Not surprisingly, the study also reveals that the least (5) _______________ (like) people are those who are (6) _______________ (mood) and hard to please. But what may come as a surprise, we tend to be (7) _______________ (sympathy) towards weak, erring individuals rather than strong-minded people. The need to help and protect others may well be one of the deepest and most (8) _______________ (mystery) factors, in choosing a friend.
C Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
/ 7
0 If you don’t remember her telephone number, you can look it ______up_______ in the yellow pages.
1 Why are you always getting _______________ me? This time it’s not my fault.
2 I _______________ forward to seeing you in Paris again.
3 Fasten your seat belts, please. The plane is going to _______________ off in a minute.
4 I have never been able to _______________ on with my sister. We are just too different.
5 I can’t _______________ up with that noise any more! I’ll go and ask them to turn the radio down.
6 We can get _______________ with one room at the moment, but we’ll need a bigger flat when the baby is born.
7 Tom checked _______________ at the Eaton Hotel at 10 a.m. and went out to do some sightseeing.
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- 18.12.2017 00:07
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 3584
- thumb_up 31
Ответы и объяснения 1
1) decisional
2) reliable
3) logical
4) tolerant
5) likeable
6) moody
7) sympathetic
8) mysterious
1) at
2) look
3) take
4) get
5) put
6) by
7) in
- 18.12.2017 00:39
- thumb_up 15
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