Вопрос по английскому языку:
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст. Выделите (выпишите из текста) все прилагательные. John has been in an awful mood since early morning. He woke up with a terrible headache. The rising sun was unusually bright, and the sunbeams quickly filled up his bedroom with dazzing white light. John sat up in his bed. He heard birds chirping outside the window. The sound was so harsh and loud that sharp pain pierced John’s head again. John was unable to move. He couldn’t stand this dull ache anymore. The decisive action needed to be taken. There was a small medicine chest in John’s bathroom, and there were some strong painkillers in it. Though he felt ill and weak, John started moving slowly towards the bathroom. When he reached white plastic door he pushed it slightly and came in. John stepped up to the bathroom, opened it and took a small orange bottle from the shelf. He took two yellow pills out of it and swallowed them. John wished the pain would go away immediately, but it only remitted. Finally, the warm calming feeling filled him and soon John gradually drifted into sound sleep.
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- 01.09.2018 09:27
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 13953
- thumb_up 5
Ответы и объяснения 1
2) early
3) terrible
4) rising
5) bright
6) dazing
7) white
8) chirping
9) harsh
10) loud
11) sharp
12) unable
13) dull
14) small
15) strong
16) ill
17) weak
18) plastic
19) yellow
20) warm
- 02.09.2018 18:17
- thumb_up 3
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