Вопрос по английскому языку:
Напишите как читается на англ не перевод вот текст On Monday I usually get up at 7.30. I have my breakfast and leave home at 8.15.Lessons start at 9.15 after registration and assembly.The first lesson is French.Its difficult for many pupils especially pronunciation.There are a lot of boys in our class who dont like French.At 9.50 we have History.I think its an important subject because we learn a lot of interesting things about the history of our country.Then theres a 15-minute break we have two lesson of Maths.Its my favourite subject.Im good at it.At 11.50 we go to tĥe canteen to have lunch.After lunch the next lesson starts at 1.05.Its Geography.My friwnd likes this subject but for me its really difficult to remember geographical names.At 1.40 we have English.at this lesson we write a lot.I hate it.The last lesson is Art.It starts at 2.20 and finishes at 3.30.All the pupils in our class love Art,except my friend Mick.Its a pity that we have Art once a week
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- 03.10.2017 21:09
- Английский язык
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- 04.10.2017 12:15
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.