Вопрос по английскому языку:
Указать время в котором стоит глагло-сказуемое.
1) Sociological theories attempt to explain criminal behaviour in terms of group rather than individual factors. 2) The court often uses psychological evaluations such as presentence investigation reports as an aid in imposing appropriate sentence. 3) Prosecutor, Glen Robinson, is making a report about the basic facts of the facts. 4) People between the ages of 18 and 65 are liable for jury service. 5) The initial decision to begin criminal procceedings normally lies with the police of England and Wales. 6) Concern about the potential for use of force against citizens led to the decision to arm the police only with a short wooden baton. 7. The Government is seeking action by the European Community to encourage car manufactures to design their products in such a way as to make it difficult for criminals to steal vehicles or other contents. 8) During the spring of 1996 the city of Gainesville, Florid experienced a dramatic increase in the number of robberies in convenience stores. 9) A foot patrolman on traffic duty saw a car moving slowly but erratically toward him. 10) Most veteran prisoners will agree that jail time is much more difficult to serve than a prison sentence.
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- 06.08.2018 19:03
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 7440
- thumb_up 45
Ответы и объяснения 1
2) Present Simple
3) Present Continious
4) Present Simple
5) Present Simple
6) Past Simple
7) Present Continious
8) Past Simple
9) Past Simple
10) Future Simple
- 07.08.2018 09:42
- thumb_up 46
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