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- 17.09.2018 10:25
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 15450
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Ответы и объяснения 1
1 I’ve always wanted to learn how to ride a skateboard! Do you think you could teach me?
2 That’s great news! I hope you’ll be the champions!
3 I think if the weather is good you could have a barbecue in the garden. It’s always fun with a few close friends.
4 I wish my parents could afford a trip to Brazil. Anyway, I’ll be glad to see the photos of your trip.
Hey, John!
It’s good to hear from you!
I think it’s fantastic that you’ll be DJ’ing all alone at your club. That’s what I call the recognition of your talent. Don’t be nervous, I’m sure you’ll be all right on the night.
As for the choice of music to play, that needn’t be a problem. You can’t go wrong playing classic rock! I’m sure old people will appreciate your playing hit singles from Kurt Cobain and Jon Bon Jovi. Those songs will remind them of the good old days and modern teenagers like them too.
If you invite me I’ll surely come, you can count on me. But I need the details; I have to know when and where the event will take place.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon
- 18.09.2018 12:25
- thumb_up 42
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