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Помогите на пишите историю на английском о ,A lucky escape' дам и высшую оценку
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- 12.12.2017 08:35
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 11765
- thumb_up 39
Ответы и объяснения 1
Ten minutes later, it began to rain. Soon, Liz found it hard to see out of the front windscreen. Therewas a lot of water on the road, so she drove more slowly. Although Liz was an experienced driver,she felt afraid.
Suddenly, she lost control of the car. She saw a telegraph pole in front of her and braked. Sheclosed her eyes and hoped that the airbags in the car would inflate. Unfortunately, they didn't.
However, Liz was lucky. When she braked, a loaf of bread flew out of one of the shopping bags. Thecar turned over, and the loaf of bread landed between Liz's head and the roof of the car. It stoppedher head from hitting the car roof.
An hour later, fire fighters cut Liz out of the car. She went to hospital, but the doctors sent herhome because she didn't have any serious injuries. Her head was fine and she only had a few cutsand bruises. Her son went to collect the shopping from the car and gave the loaf of bread to hismum. Now, she is going to keep it as a souvenir.
- 13.12.2017 03:41
- thumb_up 35
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