Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите пожалуйста составьте мне рассказ про "медсестру"по английскому ( ПЖ) дам 30 балов!()
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- 23.01.2018 07:02
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 1674
- thumb_up 43
Ответы и объяснения 1
A nurse works from 9 to 5 and has four weeks` holiday a year. She works shifts, at nights. Sometimes she has to work at weekends if a patient needs her help and care. But she works not only with her hands, she also must be educated, because errors in the injection of the drug are not allowed. Usually, she works indoors, but she goes to the patient`s home if he cannot get to the hospital.
A nurse has to wear a uniform and sometimes work late.
A nurse has a salary.
A nurse tries to understand the patient, patiently listening to him when he talks about his worries and fears, she strives to support and console him.
Also, she needs to be qualified and well-organized.
A nurse`s duty is to be honest and truthful toward the patient.
To tell about me, I wouldn`t like to be a nurse, I`d like to work with my mind. I`m going to be an interpreter, because it is interesting to me and this job is highly paid.
- 24.01.2018 02:12
- thumb_up 23
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