Вопрос по английскому языку:
Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски, выбрав правильный ответ из предложенных ниже
Frankie is green and very tall. He has yellow eyes, black hair and a small nose. He also has enormous hands and feet. He isn't pretty. In fact, he's very ugly and people call him a monster. They are afraid of him and always run away when they see him. But Frankie isn't bad! He is an intelligent man and he loves reading. He has a lot of books in his little house.
He likes writing stories. He sells his stories to make money. He also likes using his computer and the Internet to write to people. They don't know that he is ugly and they enjoy his letters. They sometimes ask him for his photograph, but Frankie never sends it.
Frankie enjoys gardening. There are a lot of vegetables, fruit trees and roses in his big garden. He loves roses! He puts bread out in the garden for the birds so there are a lot of birds too. They are not afraid of him!
Frankie never eats meat. He doesn't like it. He eats vegetables, fruit and bread. Because he doesn't like it when people run away from him, he orders all his shopping by the Internet. The shop delivers his shopping to his house. In this way, people don't see him and he feels happier. And when it is raining he doesn't have to go out of the house. He doesn't like the rain and he is afraid of thunder and lightning.
9. Frankie has … .
A. black hair and big hands and feet
B. green eyes and a small nose
C. small hands and feet
10. People like writing to Frankie because … .
A. they don't know that he is ugly
B. they meet him in the supermarket
C. they like to eat meat too
11. Frankie is … .
A. a good person
B. an evil person
C. a beautiful person
12. He lives in … .
A. a big house without a garden
B. a small house with a big garden
C. a small garden
13. He … a lot of books.
A. reads
B. speaks
C. does
14. Frankie sends his photo to … .
A. his Internet friends
B. nobody
C. the shop
15. Birds … .
A. don't come into the garden
B. come into the garden
C. are afraid of Frankie
16. Frankie likes … .
A. gardening
B. eating meat
C. shopping in malls
17. Frankie goes to … .
A. the supermarket
B. the theatre
C. the garden to put the bread for the birds
18. Frankie is happy when … .
A. people don't see him
B. he doesn't see birds
C. he is in the supermarket
19. Заполните пропуск, выбрав правильный вариант
It often_______________ in winter in our place.
a/snows b/ is snowing c/ snowed d/snowing e/ snow
20. Найдите ошибку в степенях сравнения прилагательных и обведите неправильный вариант.
a / funny- funnier- the funniest
b/ good- better- the best
c/ hot- hoter – the hotest
d/ famous- more famous- the most famous
21 . в каком случае вспомогательный глагол does стоит верно
a/ When does your sister go to school?
b/ I does not like apples.
c/ Who does go to school every day?
d/They does not play tennis very well
Во всех словах не хватает одной буквы. Какая это буква?
- ellow, - oung, - ard, - es.
a/ y b/ o c/ w d/ u
Выберите правильную пару глаголов для этих предложений.
It ______ sunny yesterday morning. My friend and I ______to the park.
a/ was, took b/ saw, went c/ was, played d/ was, went
Подберите верный перевод для этого предложения.
My mother’s hair is as long as my sister’s hair.
a/ Мои волосы длиннее, чем волосы моей мамы.
b/ Волосы моей сестры длиннее, чем волосы моей мамы.
c/ Волосы моей мамы длиннее, чем волосы моей сестры.
d/ Волосы моей мамы такие же длинные, как волосы моей сестры.
С этими именами существительными можно употребить неопределенный артикль «а».
И лишь в одном случае это будет «аn». Найдите это слово.
a / crocodile b/ elephant c/ picture d/ holiday
В данной цепочке слов 4 слова прилагательные, найдите слово другой части речи.
a/ victory b/ young c/ kind d/ honest
Выбери правильный ответ
The UK consists of
a) Scotland, Wales; b) England, Wales, Ireland; c) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
28. Charlie Chaplin was ….
a. the queen b. a scientist c. an actor d. a writer
29. Hallowe’en is celebrated on the …
a) 1st of January b) 31st of October c) 25th of December
30. The capital of Great Britain is …
a) Oxford b) Liverpool c) London
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- 02.01.2018 04:05
- Английский язык
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- 03.01.2018 12:58
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.