Вопрос по английскому языку:
Nowadays people prefer communicating online. However, 50 years ago people used the mail and sent paper letters to each other. It was the norm to have a mail boxfull of enveloppers with letters. The envelopes were used for keeping letters and documents. The first envelopes appeared in England in the first half of the 19th century. In Moscow massive sales of envelop started in 1846. The first envelopes were made of white paper.
They were of a different format. To post a letter people needed rond hand-made stamps. The stamps were fixed in the top right corner of the envelope. In St.Peterburgs stamps were blue, in Moscow they were red. Two years later, envelopes spread over the whole territory of Russia.
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- 13.07.2018 03:18
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 14902
- thumb_up 48
Ответы и объяснения 1
Of which paper were first email made?
Which color stamps were in Moscow?
- 14.07.2018 20:25
- thumb_up 1
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