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- 13.04.2018 22:01
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 6919
- thumb_up 13
Ответы и объяснения 1
Everybody in our family is fond of cooking. My mother cooks more often than others. And I like to help her. However, we often experiment with recipes, because we love the variety. We use recipes from all around the world. We like Italian food. We often cook pizza, lasagna and pasta. More we like Japanese cuisine - a variety of rolls and sushi.
And recently, we decided to try the traditional British cuisine and cook the famous cottage pie. At first we were a little bit confused by the ingredients. But in the end it came out very tasty and satisfying.
In my opinion, cooking - is a true art. Food should not only bring satiety, it should be tasty and useful.
- 14.04.2018 22:17
- thumb_up 40
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