Вопрос по английскому языку:
Как будет по русски All the exam papers are in a cupboard in my office,said miss Kay.But this morning the cupboard was open and I looked inside and ...This was exciting,I thought. the science papers are in a cupboard was open and l looked inside and This was exciting,I thought.the science paper wasn's there Miss Kay said. So what did you do?Mrs Price asked. I came in here. The exam paper was in Mr Roberts desk. i ran back to the library. They say Mr Roberts took an exam paper.I tolf Neesha . That's terrie , she said . But l
I don't believe it, I said . So we're going to k
find out what really happened. Don't be silly said Neesha.We can't do anything.Yes ,we can,i said . The head thinks Mr Roberts took the exam paper. But I think someone put it there.But who?asked Neesha. And why?That's what we're going to find out,I told her
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- 24.07.2018 02:51
- Английский язык
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- thumb_up 11
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- 25.07.2018 02:57
- thumb_up 29
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