Вопрос по английскому языку:
Сочинение по английскому языку на тему Give advice to your friend about safety
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- 01.10.2017 22:35
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 9190
- thumb_up 32
Ответы и объяснения 1
Dear Anmol:
I hope this letter finds you enjoying your summer vacation! Well, mine has just started! Just before the vacation, we celebrated a fire-fighting week. Mock fire safety drills were conducted. The students sitting in the classes heard the fire alarm and through fire and smoke rushed out of the classes through emergency exits. The student and teacher fire-fighters took off the fire-extinguishers from the corridors and rehearsed dousing the flames.
The teachers and the students in the first-aid group along with the school doctor were ready to render first aid to the injured ones. A unit of the city’s Fire-Brigade department also participated in one of the drills. The purpose behind the observing of the fire-fighting week was to make children aware of the fire-fighting skills so that they are prepared for any emergency in the occurrence of any untoward happening. The rest is fine. Give regards to uncle and aunt.
Yours affectionately,
- 02.10.2017 17:53
- thumb_up 13
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