Вопрос по английскому языку:
Написать в настоящим прошедшем и бцдующем впремени предложения со словами: to keep promises,to share activities,to be honest with each other,to stay in contact with each other,to take an active interest in each other's hobbies
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- 10.10.2017 02:06
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 8356
- thumb_up 32
Ответы и объяснения 1
I keep the promise of taking care of this dog.
I have kept most of my promises.
I will keep these promises forever.
2. to share activities
I will share my activities with my family.
I share my activities with my friends.
I share activies with my classmates.
3. to be honest with each other
I want us to be honest with each other.
In the past we have been honest with each other most of the time.
We need to try to be honest with each other as our friendship depends on it.
4. to stay in contact with each other
Staying in contact with each other is hard when you live far away.
We will try stay in contact with each other.
We have stayed in contact with each other for the past three years.
5. to take an active interest in each other's hobbies
I try to to take an active interest in her hobbies as she is my best friend.
She has taken to take an active interest in my hobbies.
We will continue to try to take an active interest in each other's hobbies although it is hard for us as we do not have many similarities.
Надеюсь, что правильно Вас поняла и как-то смогла помочь.
- 11.10.2017 17:17
- thumb_up 41
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