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- 03.09.2018 15:02
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 643
- thumb_up 23
Ответы и объяснения 1
2 These are the girls' hats.They are their hats.These hats are theirs.
3 These are Ben's flowers.They are his flowers.These flowers are his.
4 This is the dog's bone.It's his bone.This bone is his.
5 These are the tree's leaves.They are its leaves.These leaves are its.
6 These are the tiger's teeth.They are his teeth.These teeth are his.
7 This is mother's newspaper.It is her newspaper.This newspaper is hers.
2 He has got a camera.It's his camera.
3 You have got a cake.It is your cake.
4 Peter and I have got two cats.They're our cats.
5 They have got books.They 're their books.
6 The old lady has got a hat.It's her hat.
7 We have got a TV set.It's our TV set.
8 The man has got glasses.They're his glasses.
2 theirs
3 his
4 yours
5 our-ours
6 her
7 mine
8 their
9 My
10 his
- 04.09.2018 01:49
- thumb_up 23
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.