Вопрос по английскому языку:
Arthur Becomes King
At the same time there was a great joust in London. All the great knights jousted in it. They began fighting on their horses with spears. Some knights fell off their horses, and then they fought on foot with swords.
Sir Ector went to the joust with Sir Kay and Arthur. The two young men wanted to joust, but Sir Kay had no sword Arthur said, "There is a sword in a stone near a church. I saw it on the way here. I'll get it and fight with it, and you can have my sword, Sir Kay."
They went to the church. Arthur got off his horse; he took the sword in his hand – and it came out of the stone
They went back to the field. When Sir Ector saw the sword he said to Arthur, "You are my king."
They went to the archbishop. Then the archbishop called all the knights and said, "Put the sword back into the stone."
Arthur did so. All the knights tried again to take it out, but not one of them could do so. Arthur took it out again. So they shouted, "Arthur is king! Arthur is king!"
They all went into the church, and the archbishop made Arthur king of Britain.
So Arthur became king. He married the most beautiful lady in England, Princess Guinevere, and she became his queen.
Then Merlin made the Round Table. Each knight had his name written in his place.
3. Подчеркнуть предложения с Future Simple.Пояснить употребление предложений с Future Simple в данном отрывке.
4. Подчеркнуть герундий.
5. Подчеркнуть предложения с модальными глаголами.
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- 24.07.2018 22:06
- Английский язык
- remove_red_eye 17981
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Ответы и объяснения 1
"I'LL Get it and FIGHT with it,and you can have my sword,Sir Kay." Текст в прошедшем времени, но здесь прямая речь, т. е. слова Артура приведены дословно, без изменения, так, как он произнёс их тогда. А он сказал о своих будущих действиях:"Я возьму его и буду сражаться с ним."
They began FIGHTING on their horses with spears.
5Modal verbs
"I'll get it and fight with it, and you CAN have my sword, Sir Kay."
All the knights tried again to take it out, but not one of them COULD do so.
- 25.07.2018 00:15
- thumb_up 12
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